Friday, December 27, 2019

Effects Of Odysseus And The Odyssey - 1321 Words

Jon Salo and Max Sharp and Joe Moczynski Ms. Ksobiech and Mrs. Bowden English 9 9 February 2015 The effects of having Odysseus as your leader In the real world, examples of great leaders would be war generals and presidents. These people show great leadership by proving that they can take control of situations, these men (or women) also need to show great strength, intelligence and respect for others. Odysseus is alike most great leaders, in that he shows many of these traits and more. He is a very effective leader because of the epic hero traits, and many important Greek values he shows throughout the Odyssey. Odysseus is an effective leader because he shows strength, intelligence and respect for the gods, which helps him and his crew get out of tough situations. In the Odyssey, Odysseus is an effective leader is because he shows that he has incredible strength. (Pattern B) One reason why Odysseus is an effective hero is he demonstrates amazing strength to help him and his men get out of certain situations. This is shown in the Cyclops section when he stabs the cyclops in the eye with a giant spear. â€Å"Now by the gods, I drove my big hand spike deep in the embers, charring it again, and cheered my men along with battle talk to keep their courage up.† (Lines: 366-371) This quote demonstrates that Odysseus uses his strength to overpower an incredibly strong opponent. When he uses his strength it helps him and his men get out of the cave so no more of his men got eaten byShow MoreRelatedThe Iliad and the Odyssey1510 Words   |  7 Pagesand the Odyssey are two classic stories told by Homer. Within these two stories the roles of the gods are very important to the story line and how they affect the characters throughout. In the Iliad, m ore gods are involved with the characters whereas in the Odyssey there are only two major gods that affect two major characters. The roles of the gods in the Iliad are through two different stances of immortal versus immortal and mortal versus immortal. The roles of the gods in the Odyssey are throughRead MoreOdyssey Cause and Effect801 Words   |  4 PagesWriter- I am a college student and a high school senior who has studied the odyssey many times. This example stood out to me when I thought of cause and effect topics. Audience- Anyone who has a general knowledge of the story of the The Odyssey and will understand the essay topic and relate, or is interested in cause and effect analysis. Topic- I will be writing about how Odysseus’s actions in The Odyssey caused many unfortunate events to unfold because of a decision he made. 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In addition, since stories were such an important aspect of entertainment in Greek culture, stories also shapeRead MoreTheme Of Violence In The Odyssey1025 Words   |  5 Pages The Odyssey by Homer is a literary classic that presents many themes about the natures of both man and god. Although the characters of the book display characteristics relatable to those of the people today, one of the most prevalent differences between the two eras and their people is the intense violence that takes place throughout the entirety of the epic. This violence serves several functions in the work as a whole. The violence that is enacted upon the characters of The Odyssey serve as aRea d MoreEssay about Free Will and Fate in the Odyssey1574 Words   |  7 Pagesthe Odyssey Free will and fate are both prominent in the Odyssey. In the Odyssey, free will is depicted whenever characters make decisions. In example, Odysseus blinds the Cyclops, Polyphemus. Fate, in the Odyssey, is the consequences that are dealt out due to certain actions. In the case of Odysseus and Polyphemus, the consequence is that when Odysseus is on a ship heading home to reach Ithaca, Poseidon, being the father of Polyphemus, sends a storm at Odysseus being angry that Odysseus blindedRead More Essay on Names in The Odyssey and The Bible1634 Words   |  7 PagesImportance of Names in The Odyssey and The Bible      Ã‚   Two of the most widely studied ancient works are Homer’s Odyssey and the book of Genesis from the Bible.   Each of these texts provides a unique viewpoint of an early civilization.   In both of the texts, one can learn not only stories about great heroes, but also about the way that these peoples lived and what they believed.   Many interesting parallels can be drawn between the two developing societies shown in the Odyssey and the book of GenesisRead MoreThe Odyssey Thesis Paper1620 Words   |  7 PagesThe Odyssey Thesis Paper Logan Austin Pajuelo Mr. Gruber English 1 Honors, Period 3 12/18/2012 Hunger, whether a literal hunger or a hunger for power has always been a downfall for humankind. In the Odyssey hunger destroys the lives of many men. Even though the Odyssey is just an epic it reflects in many ways how hunger can ruin and sometimes even destroy someone’s life. In history, hunger has shown itself in many different and unique ways. For example Hitler’s hunger for power destroyedRead MoreAnalysis Of Homer s The Odyssey1533 Words   |  7 Pagesbeginning, Homer shows his intention for themes of The Odyssey to be applicable in the modern age and essentially â€Å"sing for our time† (I, 12). Homer’s epic provides the ideal reflection upon the very definition of heroism because it details the strenuous journey of Odysseus, a crafty hero whose key priority is to return home to his family. As one of the most prominent themes, The Odyssey carries forth the idea of heroism through the portrayal of Odysseus, and establishes a connection with the r eal world

Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Death Of Drunk Driving - 1221 Words

Drinking and Driving has been around just as long as drugs have, yet drunk driving takes more lives than drugs do per year. Last year in 2014, 9967 people were killed in car crashes. There was 3464 cocaine related deaths during the same period. Stricter drinking and driving laws were only put into law after the Carollton bus disaster happened. In 1988 a drunk driver driving the wrong way in Kentucky hit a school bus where 27 people died and dozens more were injured. In the aftermath, Mothers Against Drunk Driving was started and throughout the 80’s drunk driving became a hot topic. At that time alcohol related accidents totaled around 100,000 a year. Deaths related to illegal drug overdose, AIDS, or violence associated with the illegal drug trade totaled up to 21, 000 per year. Sentencing for drunk drivers typically only spend two days in jail the first time and up to ten days the second. Drunk driving carries a far greater risk of violent death than the use or sale of illegal drugs, but the social response to drunk driver’s generally emphasized keeping the person functional and in society, while attempting to respond to the dangerous behavior through treatment and counseling. People charged with drug offenses, are typically charged with felonies and sentenced to prison. At that time there were not first and second chances with a few days in jail like it was for drinking and driving. One of the main reasons for this disparity is that white men account for the majority ofShow MoreRelatedDeath by Driving Drunk930 Words   |  4 Pagesworld, one of the leading causes of death during driving is drunk driving. Drunk driving not only puts you in danger but everyone around you in danger. There are many ways that alcohol affects you that makes you drive very bad. To help stop this, The police have made many laws regarding drunk driving and have made many arrests regarding driving under the influence. There are also many stories out there that make us won der about the dangers and risks of drunk driving. Theres also many laws and reformsRead MoreMadd s Death Against Drunk Driving1297 Words   |  6 Pagesperformed by individuals driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, to aid the families of such victims and to increase public awareness of the problem of drinking and drugged driving. In 1984, MADD changed its name from Mothers Against Drunk Drivers to Mothers Against Drunk Driving. This carefully considered change was made because MADD is opposed to the criminal act of drunk driving, not individuals. MADD also updated its mission statement to â€Å"Mothers Against Drunk Driving provides grassrootsRead MoreA Brief Note On Deaths From Drunk Driving Essay1120 Words   |  5 PagesDecember 2016 Deaths From Drunk Driving When driving down the road two ambulance’s fly by with sirens screaming, on down the road the ambulance’s stop along with three fire truck’s on the side of the road surrounded by many police officers, passing by there is a car flipped upside down with another car head on into a tree and white drapes over top of bodies on the road, through the window there is a man there blowing into a breathalyzer, the number comes up as .16% this man is drunk and also theRead MoreThe Effects Of Drunk Driving On The Road Of Driving1382 Words   |  6 PagesWhat is one of the most evil and deadly acts? Drunk-driving? Oh no! These two words together are uncordial behaviors. The crime of driving a vehicle or operating a motorized machine while under the influence of alcohol is totally against the law of the land, but some people still won’t stop. Is there any gain in drunk-driving than loss of lives, loss of driving privileges, and property—vehicles? One-third of tra ffic deaths involve alcohol-impaired driving (MADD). Therefore, a behavior that involvesRead MoreDrunk Drivers Should Not Be Banned1279 Words   |  6 Pagesa large amount of drunk driving accidents almost every year there are drunk drivers getting away and not having any harsh consequences.Drunk driving has killed over hundreds of citizens due to the mistakes by over intoxicated drivers. States all across the country have lowered the blood alcohol limit to keep drunk drivers off the road from hitting a pedestrian. Some citizens believe that drunk drivers should not be punished more harshly due to be over intoxicated while driving. If there is no harmRead MoreDrunk Drivers And Drunk Driving946 Words   |  4 PagesWhile I have never personally been involved in a crash caused by drunk driving, as a firefighter I have approached the aftermath of many. The worst drunk driving accident I have witnessed was a car that had rolled three times. The guy flew out the front window, leaving deep cuts all over his head. Because he was intoxicated, he tried to get up and move around, oblivious to his injuries or pain. He didn’t even realize he had gotten into an accident. As I watched the scene unfold, it made me angryRead MoreDangers and Need for Preventing Drunk Driving862 Words   |  3 PagesDriving require a variety of skills and technique that often changes. The Driver must maintain a good alertness so they can react quickly in spontaneous situation in the road and avoid road traffic crash. Road traffic crash has become main causes of injury and death in world. This accident may result up to the severe injury depends on the situation and reasons of the accident. One of the most happened reason that cause the traffic crash is the consumption of alcohol drink (Green, 2013). DrinkingRead MoreWe Need Harsher Penalties For Drunk Driving Essay994 Words   |  4 PagesNow a day, driving while intoxicated has become America’s deadliest crime. There were mor e than 11,000 alcohol-impaired deaths in 2008, sadly those death were preventable if we had more severe Laws against this issue. Drivers are well aware of the Laws and consequences against drunk driving, especially after destroying families due to their carelessness decision. Victims’ Families entire life are ruined because of the sudden death of their loved one, and they are never going to be able to reclaimRead MoreMothers Against Drunk Driving Essay729 Words   |  3 PagesMothers Against Drunk Driving is a nonprofit organization in the United States and in Canada. The organization was founded on September 5, 1980 by Candy Lightner. Lightner started the organization after her 13-year old daughter was killed by a drunk driver. The purpose of MADD is to make an effort in trying to stop drunk driving, help prevent underage drinking, seek for stricter driving policies, and help families affected by drunk driving. MADD has helped more than 330,000 lives and is still helpingRea d MoreThe Measures against Drunk Driving1646 Words   |  7 Pageseffects.   Drunk driving over the years has led to many atrocities; traffic congestions, accidents, mishaps, unruly words exchanged and on the other extreme, deaths. An American is killed every 40 minutes by a drunk driver. These accidents usually occur in the later parts of the night or early parts of the day. And the age group for drunk drivers is usually between 21-24 years. Also men seem to be more susceptible to be drunk drivers than women. (Facts, 2009) To qualify as a drunk driver, the alcohol

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Challenges Faced By Woolworth-Free

Question: Identify and assess the extent of such Macro Factors that determine the Business Growth, challenges faced by Woolworth. Answer: Introduction: The retail sector in Australia is one of the larger contributor to its overall service sector with capturing an annual growth rate of 3%. With increase in online-based demand over the store-based market operation the retail market is booming and expanding. Popular retail based supermarkets like Wesfarmers, Woolworth, Coles, Aldi owe its existence in Australian domestic retail market (Xu, Gao Hammond, 2016). In terms of food and liquor, the Woolworth is Australias biggest supermarket chain operating in retail market with operation extended through 995 stores all over Australia. Even if the firm has substantial market power yet there are external factors operating outside the firm having equal importance impacts the business condition. The report aims to identify and assess the extent of such macro factors that determine the business growth, challenges faced by Woolworth while proposing for solutions that can be undertaken. Analysis of Business Environment: Social Media Tool Analysis: Social Media Bookmarking A widget like application allowing products along with brands and category to be shared on website pages, social sites and email. The option of wish list makes it an ideal tool to share ideas. This tool is not free and monthly charges are applicable (Okazaki Taylor, 2013). Sharing wrong information misleads users generating spam. Regular maintenance of account with due care is important solution. Facebook Like Button-The like button in facebook Woolworth page allow consumers to share products detail to own facebook profile. Like box option allows consumers to stream products from ecommerce website of Woolworth just clicking the like page. This is limited to facebook users only hence more sign-ups can add more likes increasing the popularity of the pages sharing information of the firm. Activity Feed- It is helpful plug-in to track the activity of buyers on the website of the firm. It refers to multiple data and requires strong analytics to decode information from activities. Business Analysis: Pinterest Analytics: Helps in promoting better understanding of the content and users through recording data on the interest profile. It allows getting insight of the engagements audiences have with the content of the website. One account can access one site at a time hence multiple account required in order to access multiple websites. Functions only through official site of account holder and unable to track the pins shared on other sites. Keyhole: This analyzes the trending of brand operated in popular social sites like twitter, facebook and instagram. It provides access to dashboards keeping track of the hash tags, campaign and keyword and promotes impression and frequency of higher activities ("Top 25 Social Media Analytics Tools for Marketers - Keyhole", 2017). It also allows to get information regarding highest interactions in surrounding accounts. Online Customer Analysis: Facebook: The facebook pages of different categories of products in Woolworth deal with sharing of information with large-scale population. The like buttons and comment sections allow people to express opinions. Twitter: This allows the the firm to track for its popularity along with streaming responses, views and proceedings. Instagram: Woolworth maintains instagram accounts that makes it more approachable to buyers with mor shared images and brief details. All of these are subject to account holding hence more-sign ups can make the Wool worth products more accessible. Competitor Analysis: Quintly: Most efficient tool to portray the comparison of Woolworth profile with the strategies and operation of its biggest competitors like Wesfarmer and Coles. It measures stats and presents graph on the engagement metrics by other firms so major social media platform. It helps the most in setting goals amid competition. Rival IQ: Another best tool to monitor the activities and operation rival brands prevalent in various social media platforms. This is more accurate in presenting weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual data regarding how the firms operate ("Top 25 Social Media Analytics Tools for Marketers - Keyhole", 2017). The record of historical data helps in comparing growth and analyzes the business cycle trend of the firm on long run basis. Risk Management: Social media marketing has many disadvantages captured in probable risks that the operating firms are exposed to. Absence of proper dealing in the social site can create outcry socially leading to mismanagement and mess. On business term, the biggest threat is the revelation of information and detailed strategies of the rival and competitors (Arli Dietrich, 2017). Risk of violating legal and social rights is also common risks that can take place in any social site. Pertaining to no specific policies and procedures and lack of training given to employees also lead to potential operative risk of the firms (Nadaraja Yazdanifard, 2013). The online activities often require for business coverage and cyber insurances so that the firm can stay protected against unethical claim and blame of the functions, which has not been conducted by it. The mitigation of the risks requires proper management in terms of more alignment to legal terms and social rights while operating online, provision of employee training to make them deliver proper outcome (Sashi, 2012). Application of filter on share information and locking of websites or denied access are best option for risks like hacking, revealed secret information.. Recommendation of Strategy: Some of the social media based strategies of Woolworth require the firm to implement following tools: HootSuite: Using this makes use and handle of multiple accounts easy. It provides training of the tool and social media marketing as a whole. Hubspot: It not only delivers the best outcome through monitoring and publishing of other social accounts but also allows to absorb closed-loop report data (Okazaki Taylor, 2013). Sales forces marketing cloud: One short destination for tools like emails, content and web marketing along with social media analytics ("Top 25 Social Media Analytics Tools for Marketers - Keyhole", 2017). Dashboard view enables firm to track the engagement and influential interaction about the brand. Simply Measured: It operates through connection with Google analytics and records data regarding the visitors of website fro other social sites. Best tool to make comparison with other firms across major channel SumAll: Using this firm can set long-term social media strategy and access to e-commerce data through performance and interactive charts and graphs. Conclusion: The increasing trend of online retail over store-based retail enhanced the social media marketing operation of the supermarket firms like Woolworth and its rival firms too. The competition in the industry is the biggest external factor influencing the business operation of Woolworth. Tools based social media analysis allowed to detect the opportunities and challenge the business of the firm face. This rightly helped in shaping the risks and coming up with management strategies that further allow the form to keep moving ahead. Summary: There have been changes in the trajectory of Woolworth business operation due to influence from both internal and external business environment. The major factors are consumer behavior conforming the social and psychological influences, age of consumers, existence of concentration and rivalry in market. The reason behind Woolworth being largest supermarket chain contributing 80% to the retail industry is the positive image the brand socially, culturally amid wide population. Biggest external factors affecting Woolworth are existence of concentrated market with many rivals. No threats to entry allows ant firm to enter and operate though they often face lower market share in presence of larger market share of the big superstore retailers. Existence of more firms leads to greater bargaining power of the buyers as well as suppliers. Tool based analysis of customer base, business, competition allows the firm to capture the trend of taste, and preferences of buyers and their inclination to ward others brand as well. These effects of factors on business help in re-devising strategies for own growth incorporating rival operations and strategies too while mitigating the challenges it is exposed to. References: Arli, D., Dietrich, T. (2017). Can Social Media Campaigns Backfire? Exploring Consumers' Attitudes and Word-of-Mouth Toward Four Social Media Campaigns and Its Implications on Consumer-Campaign Identification.Journal of Promotion Management, 1-17. Bordonaba-Juste, V., Lucia-Palacios, L., Polo-Redondo, Y. (2012). The influence of organizational factors on e-business use: analysis of firm size.Marketing Intelligence Planning,30(2), 212-229. Dwivedi, A., Merrilees, B., Miller, D., Herington, C. (2012). Brand, value and relationship equities and loyalty-intentions in the Australian supermarket industry.Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services,19(5), 526-536. Nadaraja, R., Yazdanifard, R. (2013). Social media marketing: advantages and disadvantages.Center of Southern New Hempshire University. Okazaki, S., Taylor, C. R. (2013). Social media and international advertising: theoretical challenges and future directions.International marketing review,30(1), 56-71. Philpott, L. (2014). Marketing and merchandising: Strategies for successful marketing.AJP: The Australian Journal of Pharmacy,95(1129), 46. Sashi, C. M. (2012). Customer engagement, buyer-seller relationships, and social media. Management decision,50(2), 253-272. Top 25 Social Media Analytics Tools for Marketers - Keyhole. (2017). Keyhole Blog. Retrieved 14 November 2017, from Wirtz, B. W., Daiser, P., Mermann, M. (2017). Social Media as a Leverage Strategy for Open Government: An Exploratory Study.International Journal of Public Administration, 1-14. Xu, J., Gao, X., Hammond, J., (2016). E-tailing in Australia: A preliminary analysis of David Jones.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Olympics Essays - Summer Olympic Games, Multi-sport Events

Olympics The modern Oplympic Game, first held in 1896, in Athens, Greece. The first modern Olmpic Gmaes were inspired by British schoolmaster, organized bby a Frenchman, and held in greece. An arena was built on the foundations of the long-vanished Panathenaic Stadium, and the first modern Olympics opened on April 6, 1896.the 1896 games provied one of the most stirring moments in olympics history. The 1900 paris olympics. The 1904 games in remote st.louis. the 1908london olympics. The 1912 games inStockholm were a success. Over 2,500 athletes took part, including 57 women. Thorpe of the united states. Victory in the pentathlon. A PARADE STARS Because of World War 1, the 1916 games, scheduled for Berlin, were not held; the Olympics picked up again in Antwerp in 1920. The first Winter Olympic Games were held in Chamonix, France, in 1924. In 1932 the Olympics came to Los Angeles. The 1936 Olympics were awarded to Berlin in may 1931.The victorystaned in Mexico City in 1968. Four years later members of the Palestinian extremist group black September chose the Munich Olympics as a venue for publicising their grievances by into the Olympic village; 11 Israeli athletes were killed. South Africa was excluded from the Olympics from 1960 through 1988 because of its racist apartheid policies. The united state, along with many other nations, stayed away from the 1980 Moscow returned the favour in1984 by boycotting the Los Angeles gam. But politics aside, the 1936 games were spectacular. Over 4,000 competitors took part, as opposed to only some 1400 in Los Angeles in 1932. Yet the headliner was Jesse Owens, a 22-year-old african-american who won four gold medals in track and field and, despite puncturing the nazi myth of Aryan superiority, was adored by the German fans. BIGGER AND BIGGER WORLD WAR 2 PUT A HALT TO THE GAMES, AND THEY DID NOT RESUME UNTIL 1948 IN LONDON. THE SOVIET UNION ENTERED THE OLIMPICS AT THE 1952 HELSINKI GAMES. THE 1972 MUNICH GAMES BELONGED TO US SWIMMER MARK SPITZ. Romania `s 14-year-old Nadia Comaneci, who scored seven perfect 10s in Montreal in 1976. In 1988 games in Seoul. There have been over 50 positives drug testis Olympics athletes since 1968.the winter Olympics were held in Albertville, France, in 1992, but the next winter games, in Lillehammer, Norway, took place just two years later. When the 1992 games arrived in Barcelona, it was clear that there was a huge new factor in Olympics life- commercialism and marketing.