Sunday, February 23, 2020

Short primary source essay World War II & the post-war world

Short primary source World War II & the post-war world - Essay Example The World War II severely razed lots of civilians making it a backcloth for genocide killings. It involved the killings by Nazi Germany and other mass slaughters of non-combats. Japan did an extermination of millions of Chinese and Korean nationals. The Soviet Union also carried out mass killings internally with Allies bombing no-combatants in Germany and Japanese. The war ended with the number of dead being more than fifty million. World War II involved battles that were fought in the air, on land and at sea. Among the well documented wars are as follows; Battle of Britain (1940), Stalingrad, El Alamein (1942-1943), Battle of Bugle (1944-1945) and Iwo Jima (1945). In 1944, there was a famous D-Day landing that was considered a turning point in the event of war. It did result to deliverance of Paris, and giving room for Allied forces to draw near Germany. The years after the end of the World War II have seen a remarkable change in Europe and the entire world it once dominated. Before the war, the world was in two spheres led by an exterior power: western sphere by United States and Eastern sphere by Soviet Union. The European countries that dominated colonial empires since Renaissance did lose their power for good. It is in these years that new European initiatives like economic cooperation between countries and political unions were been formed to exceptional extents. It brought the most possessions in the European history. Though Europe’s mighty declined, its impact continues overseas. World War II did leave a power gap in Europe. Initially, Germany, France and Britain were Europe’s leaders and world’s superpowers. The weakness resulting from the World War II left them outranked by United States and the Soviet Union. The two superpowers used Europe as their ground for conflicts. There emerged a cold war between the superpowers with the first round in 1949

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Western Civilization Vs their Colonies Civilization Essay

Western Civilization Vs their Colonies Civilization - Essay Example Western Civilization Vs their Colonies Civilization The main objective of this essay is to deliberate on the claim without biasness and give backing of the arguments with documented information. Other sectors argue that science and technology become the rulers of the world rather than agriculture and survival; is this civilization or modernization2. Humans have been in existence for over a million years yet civilization is only 5000 years old. According to Global Hegemony and the rise of technology3, technology becomes a necessity for economic requirements and this seems to support the claim of the western Europeans that they were more civilized. According to Carlyle, industrialization becomes the victory of man over nature. To an extent this purported claim and made the British feel superior that others and imposed their beliefs on others. As their technologies grow the European forcibly put down others civilizations if they did not agree to their ways. This put a pose or question mark on the civilization claim of the European since civilization is supposed to be a good thing why forced others. The approach of the western European to force other on civilization brought more question on their intent than purpose. The European has assisted in the transportation system, communication and other aspect of technology; however, they borrowed the concepts from others such as Asians and even some from part of Africa such as Egypt. This borrowing makes it difficult to whole heartedly give the Western European all the credits about the civilization in their colonies. Iraq, India, China, Egypt, Central America and then the Barbarian West are all credited for the civilization growth in the world. Why would Western European claim that they were more superior yet they borrowed their technologies? It is in order to conclude that they were more civilized; however, wrong to purport that others were uncivilized. The civilization the European claim so much is a bout the development of cities; however, civilization is broader than the cities and claiming technologies overtook agriculture and survival negate the definition of civilization. The above arguments do not dispute the claim that European were civilized than their colonies but emphasize the understanding of civilization. Further more, it their give a chance to reflect between civilization and modernization4. The two are clearly different one is based on technology advancement the other focuses more on the living jointly and cooperatively. A swing had happened as an effect of the industrial revolution. Asian civilizations, like China, Africa civilization, like Egypt and other civilizations, which were once considered impressive and steady5. European countries or nations viewed the earth or universe through the aspect of technology and disregarded any consideration for civilization. As their technology advanced, Europeans expanded to other nations in order to spread their superior ideas and inventions. When civilization is considered in regards to Afric a; Western European were more advanced technology wise. The European considered Africa culture as devoid of technology and primitive. If Africa had the resources as the Western or other nations would they be considered primitive? Opportunities and resources facilitated the civilization or technology advancement of the Western6. When we consider the definition of