Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Employee Motivation Aspect of the Human Resource Management

Question: Discuss about the Employee Motivation for Aspect of the Human Resource Management. Answer: Introduction According to Safiullah (2015) motivation is the force that drives people to perform at their best in their jobs. Motivation is the fundamental aspect of the human resource management. It is the lack of motivation that drives current employees to apply systematic soldiering in the workplace. This is the core reason why companies incur heavily to train and offer other benefits as they way of motivation. Forms of motivation vary from organization to organization. The most used forms of motivation are appreciation, bonuses, compensation and other fringe benefits. Sometimes motivation mechanisms employed may not serve as the driving force among the employees towards the achievement of the organizational desired goals. This places a challenge to human resource managers on how to develop effective motivation system and what really should motivate an employee. Some scholars such as Hackman and Oldham argued that interesting, challenging and important jobs from the employees perspective form the basis of motivation. This essay supports the argument of this two earliest scholars. It seeks to discuss how challenging, interesting and important jobs motivate employees to the extent of enhancing their job performance, increasing their job satisfaction, reducing labor turnover and absenteeism. Herzberg, Mausner, Snyderman (1959) in the work Herzberg Hygiene Theory acknowledged that interesting jobs serve as the way of motivating employees. Similarly, Lai (2011) noted that challenging work is the great motivating factor as it keeps an employee engaged as well interested in his or her task. In support Uzonna (2013) noted that it is the duty of the managers to provide employees with challenging tasks to motivate employees. Findings indicate that many employees prefer overcoming a difficult and challenging duty than easy and unchallenging jobs that results to boredom. Dobre (2013) argued that in the situation where tasks become more challenging the participation of the management should intervene through training and provision of necessary resources as the way of enhancing employees morale. This was supported by a survey conducted by Uzonna (2013) that indicated that challenging issues at the workplace have positive impacts on the employee motivation. On the other side, job i mportance is also a source of motivation to the employees. When the employees feel that their job is good, they will increase their employment relationship with the employer as a way of ensuring their job security in the long run. It is clear that job importance, interesting and challenging jobs lead to employee motivation. As the result, this contributes to improved job performance. The concept of employee motivation and organizational performance has been in place since the 1920s when the organizations strived to outweigh between improved performance and the quality of employees(Drucker, 1995). Findings indicate that the environment of motivation within the organization creates inner motivation among the employees. In return, employees are triggered improve their work performance and become more willingly to help their colleagues. According to Bartol and Martin (1998) as cited by Dobre (2013) motivation is the important facility that reinforces employees and behavior and triggers them to work at their best in the line with organization strategies and policies. Employee performance depends on various factors such as training and development, appraisals and motivation. However, Dobre (2013) noted that only employee motivation which has had a significance impact on the performance improvement. Similarly, Kamalian, Yaghoubi, Moloudi (2010) had acknowledged that when an employee is motivated he or she aligns his her goals with those of the organization and channels his or effort in the same direction with the organization. This results in the success of the organization as the employees continuously try to improve their work performance to match the organization pace. The studies indicate the employees who are more satisfied tend to deliver better than non-motivated workers(Uzonna, 2013). In todays talent knowledge management, managers need to design the tasks that are more challenging and satisfying as the way of improving employees morale. According to Herzberg, Mausner, Snyderman, (1959) in the work of Herzbergs Hygiene Theory of motivation individuals are influenced by two factors. There are those influence motivation and others that enhance job satisfaction. Hygiene factors that contribute to job satisfaction include job security, improved working conditions, supervision, pay and benefits among many others. Hygiene factors impact on the level of employee satisfaction and greatly influence his or her retention. Herzberg argued that if they are not fulfilled, they result to job dissatisfaction forcing employees to look for employment opportunities in other organizations. However, the findings indicate the continued increase of hygiene factors will not at certain levels have a neutral impact on the job performance or satisfaction. Therefore, for the realization of continued job satisfaction and retention of employees hygiene factors should be supplemented with challenging tasks. The case study by Nawaz, Iqbal, Ali, Shaukat, Usman (2010) conducted by the University of Punjab in Pakistan indicated that motivating factors play a crucial role in improving job satisfaction. This study was carried out to determine the effect of Herzberg motivation and hygiene theory among the non-academic staff of the University of Punjab in Pakistan. The study found the intrinsic motivational factors such as positive perception about the organization, professional growth, the opportunity for advancement, work itself and recognition result to job satisfaction among the targeted group of employees. Therefore, it evident that there exist a relationship between motivation and job satisfaction. When the organization provides, motivational climate employees will feel appreciated and valued and thus develop a feeling of deriving satisfaction from their job(Mahmood Mahmood, 2010). Another study conducted by Singh Tiwari (2011) on the relationship between motivation and job satisfaction among the white collar job employees found that it, there exist a solid relationship between motivation and job satisfaction. The findings of the study found that motivation was the function of job satisfaction and thus the increase in the value of motivation resulted in increasing in job satisfaction among the employees. Again, the correlation test concluded that there was a solid relationship between the level of motivation rendered to the employees by the employer and value of job satisfaction. However, the study attributed job satisfaction among the employees to compensation package according to the respondents who were engaged. From these two case studies, it is undisputable that motivation results to job satisfaction and thus organization should focus on improving motivation factors such as compensation package to improve the employees job morale. Labor turnover is one of the most serious aspects that affect organization performance(Sajjad, Ghazanfar, Ramzan, 2013). However, effective employee motivation will improve employees performance and loyalty. This will ensure that the employee feels more linked to the organization and thus reduce the chances of leaving the organization. Motivation theories have clearly portrayed that the long-term existence of an employee in a particular organization is attributable to the employer motivation. Management by Objectives theory by Drucker (1995) argued that employees will be motivated by the objectives and goals set in place. Managers adopting this theory ensure that the employees are included in the strategic decision-making process where necessary. This makes the employees feel like the partners of the organization but not like any other organization resource which should be utilized and compensated in return. Studies indicate that failing to put this strategy in place will result in loss of some of the best-talented employees hence minimizing the competitive advantage of the organization in the industry. Similarly, the aspects of Theory X and Theory Y by McGregor (2006) suggests that lack of employee motivation in the workplace aggravate, confuse and disappoint employees resulting into high labor turnover. Alternatively, Hierarchy of Needs Theory by Maslow (1970) argue that if all progressive needs in the hierarchy are not met, it may result in the employees evicting the organization in search of an opportunity elsewhere where they can fulfill their needs. Therefore, the organization should always ensure appropriate motivation mechanism is in place to reduce high rates of employee turnover. Studies indicate that apart from illness, the other reasons that contribute to employee absenteeism is stress. An employee may be stressed due to the poor relationship between their supervisors or managers. This clearly denotes that an employee is experiencing job dissatisfaction. Again, this can be associated with the lack of motivation by the company. Findings indicate the lack of motivation mostly contribute to reduced employee performance, job dissatisfaction and hence absenteeism. The only way managers can reduce the rate of absenteeism is by increasing motivation. Organization recruits the best employees willing to help the organization achieve its strategic goals, but this will not happen if the employees are motivated. Motivated employees feel as they have a share in the company, and thus they always like to be involved in the organization daily activities. Conclusion Motivation is a very crucial aspect of the organization. Motivated employees establish their goals in line with that of the organization. They always feel that they are part of the company and thus channel all their efforts for the success of the company. Again, employee motivation minimizes the problems and conflicts which sometimes exist between the employers and the employees. This is because the employees appreciate and value the efforts of their organization once it shows the interest of improving their welfare. Therefore, it the responsibility of the managers to exercise different forms of motivation to ensure employee loyalty, job satisfaction, improved performance and reduced employee turnover and absenteeism. Job importance, challenging and interesting jobs have proved to be crucial in ensuring employee motivation, and thus organization should adopt these aspects. References Kamalian, R. A., Yaghoubi, M. N., Moloudi, J. (2010). Survey of Relationship between Organizational Justice and Empowerment (A Case Study). European Journal of Economics, Finance, and Administrative Sciences, 2(4), 165-171. Dobre, O.-I. (2013). Employee motivation and organizational performance. Review of Applied Socio- Economic Research, 5(1), 53-61. Drucker, P. F. (1995). People and performance: The best of Peter Drucker on management. Routledge. 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The Impact of Motivation on Employee Turnover in Telecom Sector of Pakistan. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 5(1), 76-92. Singh, S. K., Tiwari, V. (2011). Relationship Between Motivation And Job Satisfaction Of The White Collar Employees: A Case Study. Management Insight, 7(2), 31-38. Uzonna, U. R. (2013). The impact of motivation on employees performance: A case study of CreditWest Bank Cyprus. Journal of Economics and International Finance, 5(5), 199-211.

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